

Committee 2023-2024

Monthly meetings (see the Events page) are a good way to find out more about Yeovil u3a and the wide range of activities available. There is also the opportunity to meet committee members and group leaders.


Chair - Hilary

Hilary has been a members since 2016 and was previously a member at Barnstaple u3a

She joined the committee in 2019 and became Welfare officer (a role which she has continued with)

She became Chair in 2022

Hilary is group leader for Tuesday Lunches and shares group leader with Maggi for Skittles.

She attends Skittles.    Kurling,  Quiz, Philosophy,    Tuesday Lunch. Easy Walking, Local History. &     Gardening group

Contact Chairman

Vice Chair - Mike

Mike has been a member since 2023 and joined the committee in that year.

Contact Vice-Chair

Secretary - Paula

Paula Has been a members since 2017. She has been Secretary since summer of 2019 and didn't hold any other position before that.

She is group leader of the Thursday lunch club and whist. 

Besides the groups that she leads she is in lots of groups including quiz, philosophy, crib, bridge, kurling and skittles.

General Enquiry

Treasurer - Angie

Angie has been a member since 2019

Contact Treasurer

PR & Website editor - Tom

Tom has been a member since 2019 and before that he was a member of Wetherby u3a.

He has been on the committee since 2020 and has been Membership Secretary and Vice-Chair. He manages the website and PR.

Groups he attends are Photography, Family History, Local History, Science, Quiz, Points of View Gardening, Cycling & Croquet

Speakers Secretary - Stuart

Stuart has been a member since 2009.

As speakers secretary, he is responsible for booking and organising the speakers for our monthly meetings.

Contact Speakers Secretary

Membership Secretary - Anne

Anne joined the u3a in August 2017, & started by going to the Quiz group, & local History. She then discovered Kurling, Folk Dancing, Badminton, Skittles & other groups along the way.

She started to help lead the folk Dance group back in about 2018, & it was a lovely little group, until we had to stop for the pandemic, we didn't get restarted as Country Dancing until Sept 2023 & we are still a happy group, & welcome new members to come & join us

Anne joined the committee in 2022, & spent a year happily observing & lending a hand where I could. In 2023 she started to help Maggi with the trips, which was great & a good way of getting to know more members. We spent happy times deciding where we could all go.

In 2023 I became membership Secretary, & it is really interesting getting to know our members & welcome new ones.

Contact Membership Secretary

Equipment Officer - Dave

 Dave joined u3a when I finally retired in 2018 and became a member of the committee in 2022. Currently a member of the photography, bridge and the local history group. 

His interests are wide and varied but mainly photography, architecture, travel and history (bit of a geek) which are well covered u3a groups.

Dave's roles in the committee is looking after all of our equipment.

He is also the 'official' photographer for Yeovil u3a and has been taking photos of group events and for Silver Linings

Contact Equipment Officer

Trips & Holidays Organiser - Maggi

Maggi has been a member since 2017

Contact Trips & Holidays Organiser

Committee Member - Rosemary

Rosemary has been on the committee for a year and has been a member of the Yeovil U3A for about 10 years

She leads the Thursday badminton group

She attends badminton, table tennis, croquet, scrabble, country dancing, local history, gardening, music and science

Committee meetings (for committee members) are usually held monthly on the 3rd Friday of the month at the South Street Day Centre, Yeovil. Minutes are displayed on the notice board at the monthly meetings which all members can attend.


Retiring committee members from 2023-24 are Muriel Scott, & Christine Baker. The committee would like to thank them for their participation.